Students made ANZAC slice during the week of ANZAC day. This was part of our introduction to procedures. Students followed the procedure to make the slice.

Here is what a few of them had to say about it:

The ANZAC slice was delicious and messy. The strongest smell that I could smell was the golden syrup. It tasted coconutty and nice. When I took a bite I heard it crunch in my mouth. It also looked lumpy and hard. It was the best day ever. Adriene (2D)

Yesterday we made ANZAC slices. They looked amazing. It smelled like yummy golden syrup and it was really crunchy. I could hear everyone saying, “Mmm.” Zeiah (2D)

The ANZAC slice was sweet, delicious and crunchy. It felt warm and hard. I heard 2D and 2C crunching the ANZAC slice in the room. The ANZAC slice smelt like golden syrup, it was delicious. We ate the ANZAC slice after lunch. Kyra (2D)

The ANZAC slice was hard and brown. The ANZAC slice tasted delicious and smelt great. I really loved the ANZAC slice that I got. I heard so much crunching. Yesterday was a wonderful day. Nikolai (2D)

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